In the SBMP, Fire Management Zones are identified as a subset of BPAs where measurable fuel management treatments are applied. The location and alignment of these zones reflect the risk of bushfires starting and spreading, and impacting on life, property and other assets.
The zones established include Asset Protection Zones, Strategic Firefighting Advantage Zones, Land Management Zones and Rural Land Management Zones.
The widths and locations of the Zones shown on this map are indicative and the actual widths and location will be determined in consideration of the ACT Fire Management Standards and operational requirements, through the development of Regional Fire Management Plans and Bushfire Operational Plans (including Farm Firewise). Chapter 11 of the SBMP details considerations used in determining the location and extent of Asset Protection Zones adjacent to new and established urban areas.
Fire Management Zoning maps will be reviewed as required to reflect significant changes, which may include unplanned bushfires or changes to the location or extent of assets. The Commissioner is responsible for approval of these maps.
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