Underemployment rate (%) for ACT young people aged 15–24 years (12-month moving
average) and for people aged 15 years and above (12-month moving average), 2015–18.
Source: ABS cat. no. 6202.0; 6291.0.55.001 and ACT Treasury’s calculation.
Note: The 12-month moving average data can only be presented from June 2015. This is due to data availability from July 2014 to allow a full financial year moving rate calculation. The ABS publishes estimates of youth unemployment, youth underemployment and overall underemployment in original terms only. Original data is usually highly volatile and should be used with caution. The unemployment rate and underemployment rate for young people as well as overall underemployment can vary significantly in a short period and is subject to relatively high error as it is derived from a small sample. Hence, the data for unemployment rate and underemployment rate for young people as well as overall underemployment are presented in the 12-month moving average terms in order to show the underlying trends of these indicators.