On 13 September 2024, the ACT Government assumed a caretaker role, with an election to be held 19 October 2024. Information on this website will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the election and conclusion of the caretaker period.
School enrolment data for all schools in the ACT. The number of enrolments in each school is reported in February and August each year. Non-Government school enrolments are only reported in February.
Information on the location students live by Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) which uses the ABS geographical encoding. Data is aggregated to a minimum 5 cell count per SA1.
School enrollment data for each public school in the ACT. The number of students in each class is reported in February and August each year. Non-Government schools are only reported in February.
School enrollment data for each public school in the ACT. The number of students in each class is reported in February and August each year. Non-Government schools are only reported in February.