This point dataset shows the locations of Streetlight Control Boxes in the Australian Capital Territory.
These assets are either owned or managed by City Services, Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate (TCCS). Assets managed and / or owned privately, by other ACT Government Directorates or by the Federal Government may not be included.
The dataset includes streetlight controller boxes from ActewAGL’s database as of June 30th 2017 in addition to new controller boxes that have been handed over to the ACT Government since then. The streetlight controller boxes are control points that allow a given circuit to be shut off for maintenance purposes but also act as the connection point for multiple circuits. These boxes can be housed inside an electrical substation or as a separate control box sometimes mounted to a streetlight pole. The asset numbers are physically mounted to each controller box and they are determined by the suburb code and a sequential number. This is from the same sequence as the streetlight luminaires. In some cases (generally where a streetlight and a controller box are mounted to the same column) there are duplicate asset numbers.
Attributes include location description, suburb, ownership, maintained by, asset sub type (Control Point Inside Substation, External Control Point), the substation number (if housed in a substation), mounting, the number of circuits, TCCS access, AS 3000 compliance, asbestos panel, date last accessed, the status of the controller box, when it was installed and the reference information for the source of the data.
These assets are captured and maintained in the TCCS asset database through the works as executed (WAE) handover process or field audits. The information available in this dataset may be incomplete and should not be solely relied upon as a search. No warranty is given in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and no liability accepted (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Minor to substantial delays may occur in updating the source data to reflect as-constructed information. This data is generally used for the Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) service and should be used as a guide only.
For additional information, please see the relevant municipal infrastructure standard (