PCS delivers an intensive grazing program which encompasses 6,500ha consisting of 75 land parcels across the ACT. The aim is to reduce fuel levels by physically removing fuel and then compacting the remaining fuel. Grazing may be used to reduce fuels through routine agricultural production or through specifically targeted strategic grazing to meet fuel management objectives. Strategic grazing programs must consider target grass fuel loads, management objectives, the height, cover and type of grass, and biodiversity both within the adjacent sites.
Grazing is undertaken in locations with palatable feed, stock-proof fencing, potable water and where it assists in meeting conservation aims. Grazing is generally not suitable directly adjacent to assets or in recreation areas. PCS’ knowledge of the grass production rates, consumption rates of grazing animals, fuel standards and appropriate infrastructure allows us to achieve best fuel management outcomes.
The stock is privately owned and procured under licence. Parks and Conservation maintains small paddocks close to assets and with a view to grazing at high density for short periods. Larger paddocks, more remote to assets, adjoin the series of smaller blocks so that there is always access to feed.
The SBMP requires regional fire management plans (RFMPs) to provide a link between the strategy of this plan and the more detailed bushfire operational plans (BOPs). RFMPs will be updated to cover the entire ACT to reflect boundaries based on bushfire risk and geography. RFMPs detail the five-year program (2014–19) of work for fuel reduction, access and infrastructure in the ACT. RFMPs for 2019–24 will be prepared during the life of the SBMP.
The ACT Emergency Services Commissioner (the Commissioner) is responsible for approval of RFMPs. They will be reviewed as required to reflect significant changes. These may include unplanned bushfires, which may provide strategic advantages or changes to the location or extent of assets – for example, the development of new estates.
The ACT Government is providing this bushfire management map for information purposes only. This data is derived from the best available vegetation. The ACT Government cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any data and information contained on this site as, among other reasons, there may have been changes to land use and vegetation since the map was produced. The ACT Government disclaims liability to any person who acts in reliance on the information provided on this site or contained within the reports or plans on it whether that liability is in negligence or on any other legal basis.
Persons who would otherwise seek to rely on the data and information contained on this site should make their own inquiries and seek their own expert advice.
[1] BPA is already declared over the Rural Areas of the ACT for the purposes of AS 3959 assessment
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