In accordance with the Government Procurement Act 2001, from 1 July 2015, the Government is publishing relevant information about its notifiable invoices. The requirement is consistent with Open Government and applies to all Territory entities. The Notifiable Invoices Register, in conjunction with the ACT Government Contracts Register provides transparency about Government purchasing to the community.
Notifiable Invoices are invoices with a value of $25,000 or more for goods, services or works received by the Territory or a Territory entity. The Territory publishes details of notifiable invoices within 21 days after the end of the month in which the invoice was paid.
For reporting from July 1 2017, the Territory will be including date invoice received in the notifiable invoices register. A number of points should be taken into account when using this information:
- For the June 2017 reporting period, this field is the date that a valid invoice was received by the responsible Territory entity, however in small number of cases, it relates to the date the invoices was initially entered into the financial processing system of the Territory entity where known.
- A small proportion of notifiable invoices do not have date received information recorded. This is due to a variety of reasons including some cases of scheduled payments under agreements or contracts not having an explicit invoice received date, and several reporting entities not yet being able to transmit to the Territory central finance system the date invoice received.
A new column titled ‘Procurement Unique Identifier’ has been added to the Notifiable Invoices Register. An initiative of the Procurement Reform Program to improve transparency of government procurement and contracting, the Procurement Unique Identifier was launched for new procurements entering into the planning phase in April 2023 to facilitate linkage of procurement activities across the procurement lifecycle. The Procurement Unique Identifier can be searched in the ‘Contract Number’ or ‘Contract Title’ field in the Notifiable Contracts Register.
Reporting Entity Key
ACT Legal Aid: ACT Legal Aid Commission
ACTAO: ACT Audit Office
ACTIA: ACT Insurance Authority
ACTIC: ACT Integrity Commission
BCIFA: Building and Construction Industry Fund Authority
CFC: Cultural Facilities Corporation
CMTEDD-SPA: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Superannuation Provision Account
CMTEDD-TBA: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Territory Banking Account
ICRC: Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission
LSLA: ACT Long Service Leave Authority
LTCS: Lifetime Care and Support Fund ACT
MAI: Motor Accident Injuries Commission
OLA: Office of the Legislative Assembly
PTG: Public Trustee and Guardian for the Australian Capital Territory
TCCS-Canberra Cemeteries: Canberra Memorial Parks/Australian Capital Territory Public Cemeteries Authority
TQI: Teachers Quality Institute
ACT Ombudsman: ACT Ombudsman
ACT Electoral: ACT Electoral Commission
AHD: ACT Health Directorate
CHS: Canberra Health Services
CIT: Canberra Institute of Technology
CMTEDD: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
CMTEDD-ACT Exec: ACT Executive
CMTEDD-DDTS-ICT: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate- Digital, Data and Technology Solutions
CMTEDD-ED: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Economic Development
CMTEDD-SS: Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate - Shared Services
CRA: City Renewal Authority
CSD: Community Services Directorate
CSD-Housing: Community Services Directorate - Housing ACT
EPSDD: Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
ETD: Education Directorate
GRC: ACT Gambling & Racing Commission
JACSD: Justice and Community Safety Directorate
MPC: Major Projects Canberra
SLA: Suburban Land Agency
WorksafeACT: Office of th