This polygon dataset shows the locations of Sports Fields in the Australian Capital Territory.
These assets are either owned or managed by City Services, Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate (TCCS). Assets managed and / or owned privately, by other ACT Government Directorates or by the Federal Government may not be included.
A field is part of a sportsground, and is identified by a field number. Fields may overlap and field boundaries may vary in dimensions depending on the field type.
Attributes include location description, suburb, ownership, maintained by, asset sub type (Athletics 100 Metres, Athletics 200 Metres, Athletics 400 Metres, Australian Rules, Australian Rules/Cricket, Baseball, Baseball (Junior), Baseball (Senior), Baseball/Touch Football, Bbq Area, Cricket, Cycling, Exercise Equipment, Football, Football (Soccer), Football/Rugby, Football/Ultimate, Go Kart Track, Grid Iron, Hockey, Informal Use, Multi Use Court, Multi Use Courts - Basketball/Futsal, Multi Use Courts - Netball/Tennis/Rebound, Netball, Open Space - Kickabout Area, Piped Arena, Play Equipment, Practice Nets, Practice Nets - Locked, Rugby, Rugby (Mini), Rugby/Football, Rugby/Football (Soccer), Rugby/Football/Oztag, Rugby/Football/Oztag/Touch Football, Rugby/Football/Oztag/Touch Football , Rugby/Football/Ultimate, Rugby/Touch, Six-A-Side/Touch, Six-A-Side/Touch/Oztag, Skate Plaza, Softball, Throwing Area, Touch Football, Touch Football/Hockey, Touch Football/Oztag) and surface material (e.g. grass, turf) and field number.
These assets are captured and maintained in the asset database through the works as executed (WAE) handover process or field audits.
For additional information, please see the relevant municipal infrastructure standard (