This data deal with hydrogeological landscapes of the ACT and the nature and consequences of salinity in the ACT 1:50000. They have been produced for the ACT Government by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI). The maps and document result from a series of salinity projects OEH is undertaking to better understand how dryland salinity manifests in the landscape and how salinity may be best managed. The full ACT HGL dataset includes the following:
Hydrogeological Landscapes
Hydrogeological Landscape Management Areas
Land and Soil Capability (Overall)
Salinity Hazard (Overall)
ACT Erosion Hazard (Current)
ACT Erosion Hazard (Future Consensus Scenario)
ACT Erosion Hazard (Future Worst Case Scenario)
ACT Erosion Hazard (Future Best Case Scenario)
Wetland Vulnerability Classification
Wetland Types (Australian National Aquatic Ecosystem)